Parking in a Pandemic: Using the Power of Online Services to Improve Your Enforcement Program - Whitepaper
While you can’t change the inevitable hoop-jumping of due process for your constituents, you can change their perception of the services you provide simply by making them more convenient, helpful, intuitive, and now more important than ever, safe—and that means going digital.
Unfortunately, either due to real or perceived budget constraints, a fear of pushback, or a lack of understanding by the state, local government, or the general public, many municipalities have slowed this transition, stopping short of providing a truly user-friendly experience that benefits citizens, enforcement agencies, and their respective municipalities alike.
While making significant changes to your parking enforcement services during a pandemic may seem like a challenge wrapped in a challenge, it’s not only easier than you may think, but actually solves two problems at once, giving all parties a safe, convenient way to handle all of their parking needs.
To learn more, download the whitepaper!
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