As part of our company culture, gtechna strongly believes that building relationships among its team members and the local community is vital to our success. Over the past few months, gtechna celebrated an exciting contract award with Sureté du Québec and participated in a corporate volunteer activity on the Lachine Canal in Montréal.
To spotlight the contract win, gtechna staff took part in a team-building dragon boat activity on the Lachine Canal in Montréal. The experience was challenging, rewarding, and also great fun for everyone who attended.
In mid-October, gtechna employees had the privilege to give back on Corporate Volunteer Day at the Mission Bon Acceuil/Welcome Hall Mission. Since 1892, Welcome Hall Mission has been the largest doorway to help Montréal citizens in need. gtechna aligned with Welcome Hall for this activity because of our shared values and commitment to giving back to the local community. Our team helped sort perishable donations, and collectively gtechna volunteers sorted and filled 800 bags of carrots for Mission Hall.
All around, these activities provided a rewarding and engaging experience for all staff who were able to participate.